Touch – 15 Hours

Divine Transformation

Training Description

We all fall on a spectrum of comfort with touch. Healthy touch is somewhere in the middle, though many of us fall on one end or the other due to a negative experience of touch either being withheld or used inappropriately. In the Holy Yoga Touch Training, we look at the implications of our experience with touch and what God designed it to be. This class is not just about assists in your classes or massaging your students, it also addresses the psychology of touch and how it can be applied mindfully and with grace.

This program requires seven hours of at-home video instruction and a teaching practicum. In addition, students attend a 8-hour hands-on and in-person workshop where you will have the opportunity to observe and practice both safe touch and assists.

This training qualifies for 7 hours non contact and 8 hours contact hours continuing education with Holy Yoga and Yoga Alliance.

Upcoming Offerings

October 13, 2024 from 9:00am-5:00pm

Columbus, Ohio

Light lunch included!

More details provided after registration.

Learn more about this transformational program today!

For course content and topics, please see the outline below.