Jen Moye

Divine Transformation

Jen Moye is wife to an Airman and mom to three rambunctious little boys. With excitement on a daily basis and grace around every corner, she believes we are meant to live this life in community with others and with the mercy to mess up and try again….and again. She has spent much of her life in ministry, with her core passion being that we learn to glorify our God in our marriage, our parenting, and in our everyday lives.

God intersected Holy Yoga with Jen’s life at a time she never expected. She was living with a myriad of health issues and chronic pain, paired with a marriage under attack and young children needing every ounce of her energy. In a time when she felt God telling her to “rest,” Holy Yoga was the vehicle in which He taught her how.

She finished her 200-hour Instructor Training in 2017 and has since completed the Masters, Leadership Development, and Touch trainings with Holy Yoga Global.

Jen is the Director of Operations for Holy Yoga Global, LLC.