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15-30 min
Kids Armor of God Flow
When we put on Gods armor we can face anything. And we too can be warriors for God, members of His army.Add to my list
Kids Armor of God Flow
1-15 min
Kids Box Breathing
Do you ever feel scared you start to sweat or maybe your heart starts beating super fast? Box breathing tool that you can use to help you feel less scared or nervous.Add to my list
Kids Box Breathing
15-30 min
Kids Creation Flow
God is our leader and our creator. He made an incredible world for us to live in. He is mighty and powerful. When we have a leader like Him, we can trust them and follow them gladly. We will be using Genesis 1; Seven Days of Wonder The Creation Story!Add to my list
Kids Creation Flow
15-30 min
God Makes Rainbows
Rainbow means that a promise is yet to be fulfilled, giving us hope and peace. We are going to coordinate the rainbow colors with yoga poses and positive affirmation statements, and center our hearts around Genesis 9:13.Add to my list
God Makes Rainbows
15-30 min
Letting Go
Join us for a gentle kid’s flow as we walk through Proverbs 15:13 and center our hearts around a happy heart.Add to my list
Letting Go
15-30 min
Isaiah 30:15
Today Christina guides us through a chair flow as we center our hearts around Isaiah 30:50.Add to my list
Isaiah 30:15
1-15 min
A Story of Jesus with His Followers
Today Kimberly guides us through a meditation called A Story of Jesus with His Followers.Add to my list
A Story of Jesus with His Followers
15-30 min
Heart, Mind, Soul, Strength
Today Rachel and Sarah guide us through a kids flow focused on loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength.Add to my list
Heart, Mind, Soul, Strength
15-30 min
Creation Story
Today Rachel guides us through a kids flow focused on the creation story.Add to my list
Creation Story