Beachside Meditations for Kids

Divine Transformation

Enjoy this meditation with your kids!

Lie on your back and close your eyes. Imagine that you are on your favorite beach towel, lying on the warm sand of your favorite beach. What color is the towel? What is its’ pattern? Feel the rays of the sun as they touch your skin. Experience the glow you begin to have as the sun’s energy meets you. Take a deep breath in through your nose and smell the salty sweetness of the sea air. Listen carefully as you hear the squawks of the seagulls circling high above you. Hear the rhythm of the the ocean’s waves as they wash on the shore. Oh, goodness! One wave crept all the way up to your towel and got your toes wet! Feel the water as it begins to evaporate in the sun. You feel something tickle your fingers. You wonder if it might be a sand crab. You gently open your eyes to peek and it is a little crab! But he sees you, too, and he scurries back into his hole in the sand. Bye, bye, little crab!

Now teach your kids Crab Pose. Sitting on your bottom, reach your hands behind you, under your shoulders. Put your feet on the floor a little behind your bottom as wide as your hips. Feel strong in your hands and feet. Lift up you bottom with your strong tummy. Now you can move side to side or front to back like our friend the crab!

Micah 7:18-19
Our God, no one is like you.
We are all that is left
of your chosen people,
and you freely forgive
our sin and guilt.
You don’t stay angry forever;
you’re glad to have pity
and pleased to be merciful.
You will trample on our sins
and throw them in the sea.

Isn’t God good?