Till the Soil, Lord!

Divine Transformation
  • Teresa Soeer Reply
    November 4, 2019 at 8:06 pm

    I was in leadership with Regina, and watching her transform and hearing her enthusiasm was so very uplifting. Thank you Regina for keeping us all so excited about becoming servant leaders.

  • Serena estes Reply
    November 6, 2019 at 8:43 am

    I wound like to share my story and how I found Holy Yoga and what an inspiration it has been. Life transforming, truly. I am an author, public speaker and will be obtaining my cert next week. Can’t wait for immersion!

  • Deena Fritsche Reply
    November 7, 2019 at 11:58 am

    Regina, I was looking for a Yoga class and ran across your story. This is such a beautiful story of Gods amazing pursuit, He is always a gentleman.
    I keep running into you at church, I was trying to find a class for yoga and you popped up “again!” I find it so odd.
    I have been going to a yoga studio in Anaheim, but continually find it compromising, but my body has never felt better. May the words of your testimony give you strength.
    Thank You for sharing.

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