Morning Flow with Kimberly

Divine Transformation
Kimberly Meryvn

Kimberly Meryvn

Kimberly Meryvn
  • Morning Flow with Kimberly
    15-30 min
    Morning Flow with Kimberly
    Slow, gentle flow to awaken the body and open up to the Lord’s promptings during the day.  

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    Morning Flow with Kimberly

  • Believing Without Seeing
    30-60 min
    Believing Without Seeing
    Today Kimberly guides us through a gentle flow, focusing on neck and shoulders.

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    Believing Without Seeing

  • Soul
    1-15 min
    Today Kimberly guides us through a short meditation focused on the soul.

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  • Who I Am
    60 min plus
    Who I Am
    Today Kimberly guides us through a beginner power flow.

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    Who I Am

  • The Heart’s Desire
    1-15 min
    The Heart’s Desire
    Today Kimberly guides us through The Heart's Desire meditation.

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    The Heart’s Desire

  • Legs Up the Wall
    1-15 min
    Legs Up the Wall
    Let’s dive into Legs Up the Wall with Kimberly Mervyn.

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    Legs Up the Wall

  • Bedtime Meditation
    1-15 min
    Bedtime Meditation
    Today Kimberly guides us through a meditation called Bedtime Meditation.

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    Bedtime Meditation

  • Practicing Christ-Like Self-Compassion
    15-30 min
    Practicing Christ-Like Self-Compassion
    Today Kimberly guides us through a meditation called Practicing Christ-Like Self-Compassion.

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    Practicing Christ-Like Self-Compassion

  • A Body Scan Meditation
    15-30 min
    A Body Scan Meditation
    Today Kimberly guides us through a Body Scan Meditation.

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    A Body Scan Meditation

  • The Discovery of God
    15-30 min
    The Discovery of God
    Today Kimberly guides us through a morning flow as we reflect on the discovery of God.

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    The Discovery of God

  • FAQ on Meditation
    1-15 min
    FAQ on Meditation
    Today Kimberly guides us through an ​​FAQ on Meditation.

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    FAQ on Meditation

  • Evening Flow
    15-30 min
    Evening Flow
    Today Kimberly guides us through a restorative, evening flow as we center our hearts around Psalm 23.

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    Evening Flow