Lectio Divina Guided Meditation with Stephanie

Divine Transformation
Stephanie Washington

Stephanie Washington

Stephanie Washington
  • Lectio Divina Guided Meditation with Stephanie
    15-30 min
    Lectio Divina Guided Meditation with Stephanie
    Neuroscience backs up God’s command to focus on what is true, beautiful, praiseworthy, etc. His command isn’t arbitrary, He created us to thrive in this way. Renewal of the mind brings better health to the whole person (heart, soul, strength).

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    Lectio Divina Guided Meditation with Stephanie

  • Very Gentle Holy Yoga with Stephanie
    60 min plus
    Very Gentle Holy Yoga with Stephanie
    The Lord REMAINS with us. He is faithful to go before us, lead us, surround us, and hold us in His presence. This very gentle, slow practice is intended to guide you through a meditation on His REMAINING with us.

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    Very Gentle Holy Yoga with Stephanie

  • Accessible Pose Breakdown – Child’s Pose
    1-15 min
    Accessible Pose Breakdown – Child’s Pose
    Using props for knee issues, larger bodies, ankle/feet issues, tight hips, neck stretching, and jaw issues.

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    Accessible Pose Breakdown – Child’s Pose