Divine Transformation
Older Adult

Older Adult

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Older Adult
  • Silence
    30-60 min
    Today Christina guides us through a chair flow as we center our hearts around silence.

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  • Changing perspective
    15-30 min
    Changing perspective
    Today Christina guides us through a chair flow as we canter our hearts around changing perspective.

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    Changing perspective

  • Support for Healthy Shoulders
    1-15 min
    Support for Healthy Shoulders
    Today Christina guides us through a chair flow as we focus on support for healthy shoulders.

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    Support for Healthy Shoulders

  • Peace & Surrender
    1-15 min
    Peace & Surrender
    Today Christina guides us through a chair flow as we center our hearts around peace and surrender.

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    Peace & Surrender

  • Significant Purpose
    15-30 min
    Significant Purpose
    Today Christina guides us through a chair flow as we center our hearts around significant purpose.

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    Significant Purpose

  • Relieve Stress During Your Work Day
    1-15 min
    Relieve Stress During Your Work Day
    Today Christina guides us through a chair flow as we focus on how to relieve stress during your work day.

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    Relieve Stress During Your Work Day

  • Taking Yoga Off the Mat
    15-30 min
    Taking Yoga Off the Mat
    Today Katie is breaking down a Moon Salutation with this beautiful gentle flow while Christina follows along with Chair modifications.

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    Taking Yoga Off the Mat

  • Chair Modification Tutorial
    Chair Modification Tutorial
    Join us today as Christina Mroz takes us through a workshop on Chair Modification.

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    Chair Modification Tutorial