Story Time Yoga

Divine Transformation

Did you know that you can teach Godly principles from your kids’ favorite storybooks through yoga?

My kids love Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. It’s a story about a boy named Max who dresses in a wolf suit, gets in trouble with his mom for saying unkind things, and is sent to his room. While there, Max goes on an imaginary journey to the Land of the Wild Things. While it’s fun for a while, Max realizes he’d rather be at home, “where someone loved him best of all.” When he returns, he sees that his mom has left him a nice, warm supper.

To make the story come alive through yoga, you can add poses.

We decided to go from Wolf (Downward Facing Dog) into Wild Thing!

Start in Downward Facing Dog (or Wolf!)

Bring your heel to your bottom, then begin to bring your belly button up.

Open up your top arm and your heart as you come into Wild Thing pose!

You could also do Boat pose or Crescent Moon pose to go along with the story. Kids love to make up their own Wild Things poses too! Be creative – like Max is! The only rule is to be safe with your yoga poses.

As you play, you can talk about Godly principles like honoring your parents and unconditional love. You can talk about how God always forgives us when we make mistakes and His love for us is like a nice big bowl of soup – comforting, nourishing and warm!

To learn more about Kids Holy Yoga and to find some fun, kids inspired yoga classes, check out Holy Yoga TV for an entire online libray you can stream with your family anywhere!